My heart was barren
It felt the sun's hot glare
It longed for colorful life
So i threw words into air.
The words rose like a song loud
With great pomp and band.
They fell as a soft whisper
Like the snowflakes on sand.
The white snow on the brown sand
Made the bells of joy ring
I was transported to another world
And a dreamy song i did sing.
But in no time, the snow melted
And it vanished with evaporation...
But it left behind dry patches
To be filled in by new imagination...
© Mukta Arankalle-Aphale
"It longed for colorful life
So i threw words into air."
i liked that concept alot....
throwing words in air..
:D heheheheh
sound kinda ... just like me!
nice work mukta.. keep it up!
hey by the way ..
your pics are amazing! (orkut)
and you both look great together!
Keep smiling ! and writing!
(let me know if you post new stuff in here! i would love to read them! )
"It longed for colorful life
So i threw words into air."
i liked that concept alot....
throwing words in air..
:D heheheheh
sound kinda ... just like me!
nice work mukta.. keep it up!
hey by the way ..
your pics are amazing! (orkut)
and you both look great together!
Keep smiling ! and writing!
(let me know if you post new stuff in here! i would love to read them! )
"But it left behind dry patches
To be filled in by new imagination..."
Impressive :-)
Just happened to visit your blog again somehow and liked these lines.
Hi Mukta,
Thanks to your blog I discovered one more talent in an already zillion talents in you. I knew you could do any job through your smile, but your pennmanship is fabolus. I m such an idiot to post all those stories and expecting them to be read. These are so nice. I went through all of them, Each was refined and beautifully put togather. It is an honour knowing you. Keep the good work. I will start again and perhaps come out with something that will be as good as the creations you made.
Thanks Omkar, Navin & Rohit!
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