Friday, April 25, 2014


The Japanese have a term called “kaizen,” which means continual improvement. It is a never ending quest to do better. And you do better by changing. Standing still allows your competitors to get ahead of you.
The change that you wish to bring in will involve making others accept and adapt to the change: thus Change Management is not just a management topic, it is also a psychological study. Infact entire "Management" has a psychological aspect to it.
Being good at Technology + Psychology + Management can make you a good manager.

Coming back to my main topic, while reading about "Change Management" I came across a formula:
Change + Personal history (nurture) + Social situation (environment) = Attitude + Response

When you introduce change, each employee's personal history and social situation at work will produce a different attitude towards that change. You cannot see or measure attitudes, but what you can see and measure is the response towards that change.

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